Dream Intercepted is a collection of statements of appeal to Director David Lynch on the occasion of the production of the third season of Twin Peaks. After years of conducting my performance, Search for Agent C, a real-life search for Twin Peaks character Agent Cooper, and having discovered a new season of the show was in the making (in which Cooper would reappear), I wrote Lynch a letter, explaining my personal story behind my performance and asked him, ever so humbly, to help complete the circle by granting me an appearance on the screen to meet Cooper. The letter is accompanied by a video message and 45 testimonials in text, image, and video from important colleagues and fans. I began sharing the link to be passed on to Lynch in September 2015, at the onset of production of the new season.
In October, 2015, I published "The Ghost is the Impossible One, creative reflections on this experience for Printeresting's GHOST Project.
This is not the end.
The Search for Agent C never followed the laws of reason.
The appeal remains active
Click to see the appeal.