Come Back (Phase 2), 2015, Dixon Place, New York City

Come Back (Phase 2), 2015, Dixon Place, New York City

Come Back (Phase 3), 2016, Magnet Theater, New York City

Come Back (Phase 2), 2015, Dixon Place, New York City
COME BACK is an evolving investigation that takes place between video archive and life, exploring the sagas of a once-great motivational salesman. Through moments of private and public, live and virtual, present and past, a daughter explores the trials of her father, "Lucky" Levy and his flirtations with the next big “comeback.”

Come Back (Phase 3) at Magnet Theater, New York, May 1, 2016
See text:
COME BACK (via Five Stage Approach), A Performance Research Process
COME BACK (via Five Stage Approach) Thesis Paper
COME BACK Iterations
The Amazing Conference Room Performance (Focus Group #2)
The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, March 22, 2015
The Amazing Conference Room Performance (Focus Group #3)
The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, April 20, 2015
Come Back (via Five Stage Approach),
Abrons Art Center, May 5, 2015
Come Back (via Five Stage Approach)
Theaterlab, May 13, 2015
Come Back (Phase 2)
Dixon Place, August 19, 2015
Come Back (Phase 3)
Magnet Theater, May 1, 2016
Video-footage available on request.